Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Newsletter Vol 1 Issue 1 "Catching up"

Let’s Catch up 
To John's supporters: As most of you already know, or at least now know, I'm getting married in March. We're learning is best to play off of each other’s strengths, and Nicole is the better writer. So she will be writing the newsletter from now on with my input of course. Because of my current visa status I’m completely dependent on support. I cannot earn an income but I can accept donations. As always if you have questions about my current ministry or want to let me know you are praying for me email me at

To Nicole's supporters: I have gotten caught up in life and a bit negligent to update you on what on my last trip to Africa as well as keeping you informed as to current events. My deepest apologies. To explain a bit, I got a lot of photos and video footage of my last trip and planned to make a mini documentary, but I quickly
discovered my video editing software was not quite doing what I needed it to do and the software I need is expensive. My goal is before year end to get the video done and post it online and notify you of it so you can get caught up on that trip. With regards to the rest of life, if you were eavesdropping above you know, I'm getting married! I've gotten my LPN license and am now working full time as a nurse at a nursing home with plans to return to school to get my RN in the next couple years. I wanted to include you in these updates because, though most of the ministry work being done now is by John, our ministries are combining in March. So we now have one letter.

How we got here
John and I met online in October 2012. We started off as friends with a similar passion for missions. We found not only that we had a lot in common but that we enjoyed building each other up spiritually and encouraging each other. Early on in the friendship John knew there was something special here, but was patient to let me see that too. On January 1, 2013, I got the ok from God to pursue a relationship here. Much of our relationship at this point revolved around Skype. In March though, he came to North Carolina for a 3 month outreach and we were able to spend more time on the phone getting to know each other. Then he came to Washington to work at my church for two and half months getting to know my pastor as well as my parents as he stayed with my family. He quickly grew on the hearts of many being as lovable as he is. On July 31st, with my Dad's permission, he proposed. Unfortunately, he had to return to Africa for 3 months to finish his missions training program. It was an agonizing three months. In December he returned to his new home. Still staying with my parents until the big day (March 22) we're enjoying this time to build our relationship and new ministry. 

Our needs
John has taken over the role of Missions leader at The Living Room, the church we attend in East Wenatchee. Not only is he an active part of day to day ministries such as the weekly youth meetings but he's 
also on the leadership team for the college ministry as well. There has been a struggle in this area to reach out to the college age students and to get them plugged into local churches. The College ministry, called Cru Connect, is a coalition of the local churches reach out to the students in practical ways. This includes helping students move into the dorms and spiritual things such as one on one and group discipleship. The opportunity John is most excited about right now is the new ministry outreach to the Colville tribe in Northeast Washington. The tribe is largely unreached and has a really negative understanding of Christians due to abusive missionaries that have come in past years. We have to be careful not to be known as missionaries, because that word carries bad ideas to the people, but we are known more as people coming to help. John will be attending a training in April to work in this area, and possibly Nicole as well. Our needs are threefold. I think they typically are. First off we find ourselves in great need of prayer. Some prayer requests for this month is for our relationship as we get ready for our wedding, and also for all the various wedding plans to come together within budget and without any problems. The second prayer needs is against spiritual warfare particularly in ministry. The two outreaches highlighted in this newsletter both have great needs in this area. The college ministry is young and all ministries that have attempted to serve on the campus have fallen do to spiritual attacks. Pray against this and for effective outreach to the students. 

With regard to the Colville outreach, I mentioned how there has been a negative reputation with missionaries out there in the past. As John begins the process of building a team and a ministry to take out there pray for protection from attacks and wisdom for cultural sensitivity. Our next need is encouragement, it helps so much to keep pressing on though hardship when we know many are praying for us, let us know you're praying! Finally we have financial need, granted, I am working full time and that helps pay the bills, but the Colville outreach comes with many expenses. John's immigration status doesn't not allow him to have an income until at least August 2014 and we have over $3500 in legal fees and government fees to get to that point. It would free John up greatly in ministry to know he can go serve without trying to find money in the budget every time. He also has an $800 school bill to finish his degree coming up in the next couple months.. For online donations click on the PayPal link below. Finally for those international donations, contact John for account information.

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